Friday, August 15, 2008

I am the oldest of seven.

That short sentence is always the first thing that comes to mind whenever I am asked to share with a group something interesting or unique about myself. The fact that I am the oldest of so many has always defined me, in so many ways. But that is not the topic of this blog (although it certainly plays a role in what I will share with you over the next ten months). Since I have always been a storyteller, I think it is appropriate that I begin with a story.

I had just graduated high school and was one week into my summer vacation when I was dropped off for a freshman orientation weekend at the small Catholic college I would be attending in a few months. I spent the day meeting new people, registering for classes, and learning more about my school. After dinner there was a planned information session for substance-free “wellness” housing that was advertised as an “Ice Cream Social.” Naturally, being the ice cream lover that I am, I wanted to go. I was already interested in substance-free housing, but I looked forward to the ice cream all day!

When I walked into the cafĂ© that evening where the session was being held, there was no ice cream. I was disappointed, but I sat in a chair and listened to a rising sophomore tell us all about wellness housing—recently named “LOFT” (Lifestyles of Fellowship and Tolerance). Across from me in the small group was a boy who looked much more disappointed than me…or something like that. He must have been having a pretty bad day, because while everyone else was smiling and laughing at the stories being told, he sat slouched in his chair with a frown on his face, keeping his gaze straight ahead. I remember wondering, What the heck is wrong with that guy? I didn’t talk to him. I didn’t hear his name. Little did I know, three years later this same boy would ask me to be his wife and there would be no question in my mind as to what my answer would be. And he would be smiling! Daniel doesn’t remember being in a bad mood that day—he doesn’t even remember seeing me there. And I still can’t remember what they said happened to the ice cream…

Daniel and I are getting married on May 16, 2009 at the chapel on the campus of the school where we met. We are on the young side, I guess—we will both be turning twenty-two this summer. I know we still have so much life ahead of us, God willing. But I also know what person I want to have by my side through all of it. As we prepare for both our wedding day and our life together from that day forward, we would really appreciate your prayers. I hope that you enjoy sharing this journey with us!


Frank Hannigan said...

I love the title of your blog. We have something in common! Being the oldest will help you handle a lot in marriage, but where is Daniel in his family? I am very interested in how birth order affects marriage.

Anonymous said...

I hope being the oldest will help! Daniel is actually the youngest of five- pretty much the opposite. I'll talk more about this in an entry soon...

Joey said...

I have just stumbled on your blog & am so excited to keep reading... you are in my prayers as you prepare for this awesome sacrament! :)