Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Plans

This Thanksgiving was the first that Daniel and I spent together, and this Christmas will be the first time that we go to Christmas Mass together. I’m so excited—number one, because I love Christmas Mass (especially on Christmas Eve night, which is when we’re going), and number two, because Daniel and I get to be together!

After Mass, though, Daniel will drive back home to his parents’ house where he will spend Christmas day. I will be sleeping at my parents’ house for what will be my last Christmas morning with my family. I know, of course, that Daniel and I will see my family on Christmas after we’re married, but it obviously won’t be the same.

Christmas mornings at my parents’ house are always so fun, especially since I have siblings who are still little. I’m so excited for some day when Daniel and I can make Christmas as wonderful for our children as my parents have always made it for me and my sisters and brothers.

In other news, I ordered my veil (beautiful mantilla style) and my shoes this week! Also, my cousin Catherine makes jewelry, so I have a custom-designed necklace, bracelet, and earrings that she finished making and put in the mail for me the other day. I can’t wait for everything to get here so that I can try on my whole ensemble!


annies home said...

you are so right you should spend this holiday season with your parents. After marriage and then hopefully children things change soon. I know that my daughter and son in law have the most struggle with who to spend holidays with. Since they live a bit away from us but not to far they can normally hit both families during the holidays but still it is difficult to do. This year they have their first child and so find even harder since now their home and family is also a choice. Have a great holiday season and remember it is not the last one just that things will change a bit but love for each other never will

Jess said...

Hey... Nice to find your blog, Im also planning my wedding, which will be in March, maybe we can share some ideas, radings and chat more...
Reg the Christmas me and my fiance did the same thing, we took the day to spend with our families since in my case they will be leaving the country for real shortly after the marriage.
Well once again it nice finding your blog.
Pax et bonum

Anonymous said...

Have you felt any sadness about this being your last holiday with your family (as their unmarried daughter, that is)? This past Christmas was my last one with my family, and I currently live at home with my parents and two younger siblings. I am excited about getting married but sometimes I can't help but feel overwhelming sadness about moving out of my house and not being around for things the way I've been the past 22 years. Is that something I should be concerned about? Did you feel it too?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I definitely did feel some sadness about this. Significant change is something that has always been a bit of a struggle for me in that sense. Some people handle it better than others. The important thing to remember is that you and I get to choose for ourselves how "around for things" we want to be. Things will change, but not necessarily as much as a lot of people assume. Depending on how far from your family you and your new husband plan on living, changes don't have to be made in "one fell swoop." My new home is only 6-7 minutes from my family, so I will still get to see them all the time and be there for all the birthdays, etc., as well as just visiting random evenings and/or after Church on Sundays. As long as you and your fiance agree on how much time you expect to spend with your families once you are married, I think that it really is alright to take the change slowly. Good luck with planning your wedding and preparing for your marriage, and God bless!

Jessy, same to you!

Shopannies, thank you so much for your insight! I am learning that change doesn't have to be threatening- getting married should be seen as the beginning of something wonderful rather than the end of something else wonderful.

Raymond Fujimoto said...

We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers.Very interesting work.

nice post and thanks for sharing...

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2010