Monday, April 26, 2010

Short and Sweet, and Delayed

My dear readers, I apologize for another delayed entry. I really have no excuse, other than to (truthfully!) claim that although last week was my first full week without going to work, it was still surprisingly busy.

Since you last heard from me, I have done about as much driving as I would have done driving all the way to work two days a week, if not more; outside of the house I visited my Grandma, met a pregnant friend who is due just three days after me for smoothies, and went to another doctor appointment, and babysat my littlest brother Edward twice. When I was home, I worked on a freelance project that I will probably finish up with later this week—I barely had time for any nesting!

And there is still so much to be done in that department...with only six and a half weeks left in which to do it. That’s if this baby comes on my due date. Technically, although I doubt it will come early, he or she could be born at 37 weeks, which is considered full-term. That’s only three and a half weeks away! Hopefully poor Daniel, who has been feeling under the weather for the past two weekends, will be healthy and full of energy between now and then so that we can get a lot done. We need at least one able-bodied person in this—heck, I need his help getting up off the couch half the time!

Like the title promised, short and sweet. You’ll hear from me again later this week.

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