Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!

Having been married almost eleven months now, Daniel and I have now reached the milestone of our last first holiday together and have entered the liturgical season in which we were married last year. So crazy! Daniel had his spring break from work this past week, which was shortened because of all the snow days the county used this year. If it hadn’t been cut down, we could have gotten a lot more done on our before-baby-comes-to-do-list, but we were still able to use the time off to our advantage.

Daniel finished building, painted, and then hung new shutters on our house with the help of his parents; they cleared out brush from the back of our property and tore out the ugly bushes that surrounded our deck; my dad came over to install crown and base moulding in our bedroom; and Daniel and I painted and put together a new armoire-type piece of furniture for our bedroom re-using three older pieces (a desk that had belonged to Daniel’s parents, a dresser that had belonged to my parents, and an entertainment center that had belonged to my grandparents). There is still so much to be done, but we’re getting there!

Daniel and I decided against going to the Easter Vigil mass this year because I didn’t think I would make it through the whole thing without falling asleep, so we went to the eight a.m. mass instead. Who knows how many years it will be before we feel up to going to the Vigil again—I certainly won’t want to bring a ten month old to the two and a half hour liturgy, as much as I love it. We had both Easter brunch and dinner at my parents’ house, which were delicious of course. Who doesn’t love a good spiral baked ham (other than two of my siblings, who substituted leftover meatloaf, and I guess plenty of other people, too)?

Happy Easter season, everyone!

1 comment:

J and J said...

I'm so with you on the Easter Vigil! We have THREE little ones under 3 and we stopped going to Easter Vigil a couple of years ago. Just isn't happening with their attention span being up to 45 minutes. Mass on Easter morning seems to work better for us. :) God bless you and congrats on expecting!